Power Up Your Geckoboard with REST API Data Integration

Effortlessly integrate your REST API data with Geckoboard using Boltic. This will help users to create dynamic and visually engaging dashboards. Gain real-time insights and make data-driven decisions with ease

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How it works

<h1 class="bold-24px">Seamless Integration,<span class="_6d64e3"> Instant Visualisation</span></h1>

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Connect Boltic to REST API with easy authentication
Authenticate your REST API source in just one click, no coding is required
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Retrieve and transform REST API Data
Create reports on extracted data with no code and advanced transformations
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Use script templates in Boltic to map data easily

To send data to the required widget in Geckoboard, simply select pre-built scripts

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Connect and configure the Geckoboard destination

To see your dashboard up and running, configure Geckoboard widget


<h1 class="bold-32px">Why use Boltic to <span class="_6d64e3">connect RESTAPI and Geckoboard?</span></h1>

Unlock insights, accelerate decisions and automate analytics with bolts. Connect data using REST API and add meaning to your data with transformations. Finally connect reports to Geckoboard to track important KPIs

Popular Use Cases

Top 3 Bolts using RestAPI as source

Bolt recipes to help you easily get started and make your day to day worklife easier

Top performing products

Streamline real-time data visualization for your different product lines. Extract data using APIs and easily visualize it on Geckoboard with a pre-built connection. Automatically refresh data whenever there is any change in source data

Track employee activity

Create a single source of truth. Extract employee activity from any ticketing system using APIs and create interactive dashboards to track it daily. Create transparency across teams by publishing the dashboards in your communication channels

Insights on revenue generated

Create insightful reports from cluttered financial data and track the important KPIs. Create financial reports on Boltic and send them to Geckoboard for better visualization to track revenue generated from different product lines

Discover More

Expand your data pipeline horizons

Explore more ways to bring insights into business and make data-driven decisions with Boltic’s powerful automated pipelines. Connect any two sources and empower data to drive business decisions

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How can I connect Geckoboard with a REST API using Boltic?

You can utilize Boltic's pre-built integrations to establish a secure data pipeline and integrate the two platforms seamlessly.
Can I visualize real-time data from the REST API on Geckoboard?
Yes, by connecting Geckoboard with a REST API through Boltic, you can achieve real-time data visualization. The integration allows you to continuously fetch and update data from the REST API, ensuring that the visualizations on Geckoboard reflect the latest information.
What types of visualizations can I create on Geckoboard using the REST API data?
After you have hit the 1 Million row limit, you will be asked to choose a plan which suits your requirement and make the payment accordingly.
Is it possible to customize the appearance of Geckoboard dashboards when using the REST API data?
Yes, Geckoboard allows extensive customization options for dashboards. You can customize the layout, widget sizes, colors, and fonts to match your branding or specific design preferences. This flexibility enables you to create visually appealing dashboards that align with your desired aesthetics.
How secure is the integration between Geckoboard, REST API, and Boltic?
Boltic provides robust security features to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of your data during the integration process. It employs encryption protocols, access controls, and other security measures to safeguard your data as it flows between the REST API, Boltic, and Geckoboard.
Can the Geckoboard and REST API integration handle large amounts of data?
Yes, Boltic offers scalability, allowing you to handle large amounts of data seamlessly. It can accommodate growing demands and ensure that the integration between Geckoboard and the REST API remains efficient and reliable, even as your data volume increases.