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Math Functions

Mathematical functions are the predefined formulas that you can use to perform calculations including basic mathematical operations, rounding, finding smallest and larget numeric values on the specific source columns. With this transformation, you can quickly analyze the queried data in many forms.

Transformation TypesDescription
Custom FormulaCreate your own mathematical expression that helps you to get your desired output
MinimumMin can tell you what the smallest numeric value is in the given source columns
MaximumMax can tell you what the largest numeric value is in the given source columns
AbsoluteAbsolute returns the (non-negative) value even if you apply this transformation on the source column that contains negative values
RoundingRounding returns a number rounded up to a given number of decimal places.
FloorRound the number towards the zero
CeilingRound the number away from zero

Supported Arithmetic Operators

%Per cent

Supported Logical Operators

!=Not equals
<Less than
<=Less than or equal to
>Greater than
>=Greater than or equal to
&&Boolean & And
IIBoolean or

Supported Constant

eThe value e is equal to 70 digits
PIThe value PI is equal to 100 digits
TRUEThe value 1
FALSEThe value 0
NULLThe null value