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Join Array Transformation

The join Array transformation is a convenient method to return an array as a string. It concatenates the elements of an array together into a new string, and inserts the delimiter between each element.

Steps to Apply Join Array Transformation

This guide will give you a brief idea of what steps you need to follow to apply the Join Array Transformation

Step 1: Add Transformation Type

First, visit the "Add Transformation" page to add the Join Array transformation

Step 2: Select Source Column

Now select the source column that has an array of elements


Step 3: Add a Delimiter

If you don't want your values to be knit together, then add a separator ( comma, semicolon, colon, quotes) in the Delimeter box

Step 4: Save the Configuration

Click the Save button to save the configuration.

Add Another Transformation

After defining the first Transformation, you can add multiple transformations to the defined Transformation or add another new Transformation step to a bot This flexibility helps you to get the desired output in one go.

Step 5: Save & Test Transformation

Once the above-mentioned steps are done, click the Save & Test to test and save the transformation

Save & Test

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