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Add Parameters to Visual Mode

Visual Mode has a flexible Filters option that allows you to filter the list of columns of the table and convert the filters into parameters.

For example, you have a dataset of the entity called Food Sales Data that contains attributes, such as - Order ID, Region, Total orders, and Revenue, and you want to show only some of the information, like, Order ID, Revenue, and Region. In this case, you can use the Add Filteroption, which can modify the dataset and give you a desirable result set. By using the Convert to Param option you can set the parameters for filter values as well. The use of converting filtering values into parameters is that you can pass the parameters to a visual query at runtime and the query returns items that match your parameters.

Add a Parameter from UI​

After selecting the filters field and entering a value, follow these steps to convert them into params:

visual mode
  • Click the Convert to Parameter button and then enter the following details
TitleGive a meaningful Title to a parameter
Data TypeSelect the Data Type that supports the value
ValueBy default, the Value will be the same as the keyword in the query text. If you want to give it another value, you can change it here.
convert parameter in visual mode

Use Advanced Options

  • Click the Advanced Options down arrow to use the following advanced options
KeyBy default, the Key will be the same as the title given to the parameter
DescriptionDescribe the parameter in detail for other users
Add QuotesCheck the Add Quotes checkbox to wrap the parameters in the quotes.
  • Once you apply the parameters, click the Save button


The accepted format for the Date data type is DD-MM-YYYY HH\:MM: SS

The accepted format for the TIMESTAMP data type is YYYY-MM-DD'T'HH\:MM: SS

Run Parameters

Click the Run button to run the defined parameter

run parameter visual mode

Any Question? 🤓​

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