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Row Wise Mode

Row-wise mode is a process mode that sends data to a recipient row by row. A recipient will get every row of the data in a separate email.

To send a specific row to a recipient, you can use {{row}} as a parameter and other parameters in the To, Subject, and Body fields.

Understand the use case of row-wise mode in the following example-

Suppose you have a dataset of sales that contains columns such as Total Profit,Country, Sales Channel, emailid to emailid cc and so on.


Now you want to send the summary of the Total Profit by region to the email addresses that are mentioned in the columns emailid cc and emailid to.

For that you can use {{row['columnname']}} parameter to fulfill this requirement.

Column name
ToIn the To field you can pass the parameter {{row['emailid to']}}It will send the data to the recipients that are added in emailid to column
CCIn the CC field pass the parameter {{row['emailid cc']}}It will send the data to the recipients that are added in emailid cccolumn
Subject lineIn the Subject line you can pass the parameter {{row['order ID']}}}Recipients will get an email with the subject line like this- the final summary of Order ID
Body SectionIn the Body section pass the parameter like this- Your total profit for {{row.Region}} was {{row['Total Profit']}}In the email, the recipients can see their respective regions' total profit and complete sales data.

Output would look like this-



If there is no email column in the data then row-wise mode will send all the rows to one recipient.

In all email fields you can pass {{row}} as a parameter with other parameters as well. In the following example, we have passed {{row.Region}} and {{row.['Total Profit']}} parameters with {{result}} parameter to get a specific row along with complete data.

Row as parameter

Output would look like this-


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